Mixed and Ladies Netball League
Let’s Play Netball

Action Netball | Netball in West London

Action Netball | Netball in West London

Action Netball | Netball in West London
Action Netball is a social West London netball league. It's run by netball players for netball players.
We are based in Acton, West London and have mixed and ladies netball grades so we cater for all levels - from beginners to competitive levels.
Our aim is to be an affordable, fun and professional netball league. We have a passionate and dedicated team who are here to ensure an enjoyable, social netball experience for all.
Playing netball is a fantastic way to keep fit, improve hand-eye coordination, flexibility, reaction time, stamina and promotes teamwork.
Netball is a sport that has multiple physical and mental benefits. It's a great way to make new friends.
Beginners are welcome and we don’t expect you to have played before or even know the rules of netball to join our league.
We have a FREE pre season training session one week before each season starts so you can brush up on the netball rules.
You can join our netball league as a team or individual, so if you can’t get a netball team together just join us as an individual and we’ll find a team for you to join.